A seed dropped in fertile ground needs no more than finding this place to take root. It has just one job. Encouragement nurtures the growth medium and our gifts can plant seeds in others. We may not witness immediately what giving support to others provides. The power of a love gift is given credence by no expectation from the giver. All that is required of us in giving is that we do this openhearted, openhanded, without assurance; that we act with a sincere desire for another to experience success in what they desire.
Like a flower in bloom we are always inclined towards what nurtures us. Lets keep our hearts centered on the substance of giving what is best in us this gifting season. Allow the soul essence of where we meet our loved ones to guide us in choosing what will grant them the most delight. Allow that curtain to open whenever it can.
It felt the encouragement of light
its being
Music: Well okay, then! I was handed this music while I composed this post so I now play it forward for you. Thank you, Brian Eno. This is from his stellar latest work, FOREVERANDEVERNOMORE, Garden of Stars.
The original post in this series of poems by Hafiz (including an addendum regarding the authenticity of these poems) can be found here.
The Gift: Poems by Hafiz and translated by Daniel Ladinsky can be purchased here.