Our role as the divine is introduced here in more depth. This excerpt explores how "... to heal this relationship with the feminine that you have developed, to fix this mess and to learn to love yourselves and others through the lens of the feminine that honors all of life..." Djehuty outlines his intentions as a teacher and guide here. Our beautiful natures are our creations too, he asserts, and we have the power to cultivate this but there are no short cuts. We must face the greater understanding of our constructs before we can move forward to truly improve matters regarding the feminine in our world.
Thank you for listening.
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are teachings from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: “Approaching Love” - “Understanding Loss and Death” - “Goddess Past, Present and Future” and “Conscious Revolution Tools for 2012 and Beyond “- within the book “Djehuty Speaks”. This book can be purchase at TDJacobs.com where there is an assortment of goods and services to support your personal evolutionary process.
This video is an excerpt from the volume, Approaching Love, that is within the book, Djehuty Speaks.
Please explore Tom’s Website to learn more about Tom and to find helpful information on:
Text read by Cile Stanbrough. https://www.allthedifferentways.com/
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