One of the most controversial tenants in these teachings is the idea of ourselves as human beings actually being in cahoots with a greater energetic of ourselves and co creating heinous acts with devious individuals to make sure we are experiencing things that are painful and horrifying. I know at 35 years old that would have been a loud and clear NO WAY! It is interesting though when one is older, one can have a whole lot of being on both sides of various scenarios. There have been some times, personally, I was far from being kind. I have treated people dreadfully intermittently and made some choices that I deeply regretted in reflection recognizing how mean they were. But that is just the thing. All of the things that happened of me and to me, because I am now older, I can recognize as having a pattern of learning and release to them. One thing leads to another in life and this resides at both ends of the spectrum of experience. Sometimes a decision will lead to a bounty and an amazing fortune; sometimes it unfolds resulting in a really difficult consequence. Both make us humble and better at living fully if we can take responsibility for having a hand in our own game.
Djehuty talks here about energetic communication and consent. Victim consciousness is discussed and how it blinds and binds. It blinds us from being able to see a wider perspective when our story is fixed in our minds and it binds us from being able move freely as our authentic selves. As a victim we become tied up into our story of ourselves so deeply that we can't get to anything else because being a victim requires so much maintenance. One can make that choice to live an entire life like that and one will give up a lot to keep it.
Thank you for listening.
“Djehuty Speaks” is a book of materials channeled by Tom Jacobs and these are teachings from the Ascended Master known as Djehuty, Thoth, St. Germain or Merlin. These teachings are included as four smaller books: “Approaching Love” - “Understanding Loss and Death” - “Goddess Past, Present and Future” and “Conscious Revolution Tools for 2012 and Beyond “- within the book “Djehuty Speaks”. This book can be purchase at Amazon .
This video is an excerpt from the volume, The Goddess Past, Present & Future within the book, Djehuty Speaks.
Text read by Cile Stanbrough.
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