Hafiz speaks about prostrating himself before all creatures in this poem and it makes me think of our need to recognize and respect our natural selves - our creature selves. This, in turn, brings the myth of Sedna to my mind.
There are many versions of this story and most revolve around the core fact that Sedna does not want what the village or tribe wants and how she suffers the consequences of that. In all versions she is punished or harmed in some way by her father and she becomes reigning goddess of sea creatures requiring the worship and acknowledgement of anyone needing resources from the sea to survive. This story is about civilization and its fear of nature's seemingly vengeful caprices thwarting the hierarchical powers of requiring control. True to form this threat is associated with a woman because the earth is a feminine energetic. We see this feminine suppression dynamic play out daily to this day.
The issue of the feminine as being suppressed for 6000 years is reflected in this ancient story. What is different now is the collective recognition of what we have lost in our flurry through evolution as manufacturers and how we need to respect the way of the feminine - our natural world - to be able cohabitate and thrive.
Being aware of the natural beauty all around us can realign and course correct us in ways to recognize that there is a much larger and possibly more perceptive energetic at play than what we are assuming is being modified by our thinking. We call this wonder; a sense that there is more amiss than we comprehend. If we can connect within how we are OF the earth and a living part of the earth's life, we can begin to work WITH that energy.
Thank you for listening.
Music: This song Here, There and Everywhere by the Beatles popped up into my mind when I read this poem. I first thought, "How could that be relevant? Is it the poem title making me think of this song?" I then examined the lyrics and turned it so it sounds to me like a love prayer to the earth and a disenfranchised Sedna. I do think that the earth, as a being, is extraordinarily benevolent which is why the stories had to be modified because the earth always shows up for humans. She always delivers resources in some way no matter what stories we make up in our minds to explain everything away (as in the act of the shaman combing her hair to appease and temper her). Hence the homages to her by ancient people thinking themselves somehow subservient to the earth mother and making the story about our making her produce what we need from her. Like she would not show up anyway. Well, it just might be time to work WITH the earth. This has come to be a lot to ask of humans but nature will always bat last because we are, in truth, guests here.
There, running my hands through her hair
Artwork: Sedna, artist unknown, sadly.
The original post in this series of poems by Hafiz (including an addendum regarding the authenticity of these poems) can be found here. Also, my thoughts on this series a year into these poems, HERE.
The Gift: Poems by Hafiz and translated by Daniel Ladinsky can be purchased here.
My book can be purchased HERE. E-book HERE. The Season Two blogcasts with audio excerpts from my book begin HERE: in Behind The Lines. This reading of the book excerpts in a mixed media format is Season Two of this blog. These recorded excerpts are outside the chronological order in which the book was written. Podcasts with audio only beginning with episode 22 can be found HERE.